Brett J Berry

Rachel Karlan


Director, Government Contracts Services




University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management


Financial Statement Audits and Government Contracting



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Rachel is a Certified Public Accountant with over fifteen years of professional experience, including eleven years of public accounting experience. Rachel specializes in providing audit services in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Government Auditing Standards (GAS) to a wide variety of clients including governmental agencies, architectural and engineering firms (A/E firms) and not-for-profit organizations.

Rachel’s experience serving governmental agencies and A/E firms includes extensive involvement with the Arizona Department of Transportation, North Dakota Department of Transportation, and architectural and engineering industry clients. She is experienced with and specializes in performing indirect cost rate audits and incurred cost (project) audits in accordance with the FAR, Cost Accounting Standards, AASHTO Uniform Audit & Accounting Guide, and GAS. Rachel also provides technical presentations in accordance with requirements set forth by NASBA on FAR compliance topics including labor charging, home and field rates, compensation, direct and indirect costs, vehicle costs, related party rent, ESOP plans and various FAR Part 31 cost principles to various state departments of transportation and A/E firms. Rachel’s role in the audit process includes coordinating and planning various phases of the engagement, monitoring actual performance against budget, performing risk assessments, analytical procedures, review of working papers for accuracy and completeness, preparing financial statements for suitability of presentation and adequacy of disclosures, compiling and presenting audit findings and suggestions for practical business improvements and continued FAR compliance.

Rachel holds a Master of Accounting degree and a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration degree from the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management. She is a member of the AICPA and the ASCPA and is involved in the Tucson community. She brings a vast amount of governmental and not-for-profit knowledge to the table, and provides an exceptional, client-centered approach to serving the needs of her clients.