Keegan Linscott & Associates offers more than 20 years of extensive experience handling FAR audits for engineering firms that perform federally funded work. By helping you avoid potential problems and delays with your payments, we pave the way for you to secure the federal contracts your business may depend on. Keegan Linscott & Associates, PC serves a variety of government contractor clients across the country.
Keegan Linscott & Associates has a unique specialization in accounting and consulting for organizations doing business with the U.S. Government. Our professionals work with for-profit and non-profit organizations around the country that receive U.S. government awards in the form of grants, cooperative agreements and contracts. Our clients in this field range in size from companies with single contracts to organizations with multiple divisions and complex indirect cost rate structures.
Among the services provided are highly specialized audits to insure compliance with U.S. government requirements and the rules applicable to government procurement and accounting as contained in the CAS and Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). For 20 years, our professionals have combined their expertise and hands-on experience to bring you the most comprehensive services possible in the area of government contractor accounting and consulting.
- Review of accounting systems and controls to determine compliance with regulatory and contractual requirements, at both the federal and state levels including compliance with FAR Business Systems Rule.
- Review of internal controls to assess processes in place to properly segregate direct and indirect expenses, as well as allowable and unallowable expenses.
- Determination of whether the methods used to allocate costs to cost objectives are equitable, and whether all reimbursable costs are being recovered.
- Highly specialized Indirect Cost Rate Audits, in accordance with Government Auditing Standards, FAR, CAS and AASHTO Uniform Audit & Accounting Guide
- Preparation of a FAR audit report, including indirect cost rate calculation and required footnotes.
- Preparation of management report, providing detailed conclusions and recommendations for improving internal accounting systems, controls, and methods of allocating costs to cost objectives.
- Full range of FAR and CAS consulting services and training.
- DCAA, FAR, and CAS compliance.
- Outsourced accounting.
- Indirect cost rate and cost proposal preparation and strategies.
- Contract negotiation and management.
- Representation during government agency audits.
In addition to providing accounting, auditing and tax advice, we have represented clients with government agencies, assisted in negotiating contracts and responding to the audit findings of the Defense Contract Audit Agency, helped in the preparation of indirect cost rate submissions and the structuring of these rates, and developed accounting systems acceptable for government contractors. Each of our audit staff members has obtained the necessary qualifications to audit grants in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Single Audit Act and Subpart F of Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). We conduct grant audits on behalf of most federal agencies, with a strong focus on USAID requirements.
In order to provide excellent service to our contractors, we must be intimately familiar with all aspects of their operations from both an internal and external perspective. Our investment in the industry translates into the dedication of our top-quality talent and substantial resources to achieve outstanding personal service demonstrated by leadership, technical expertise, and responsiveness. Our government contractor service team is comprised of professionals who have a broad range of experience working with the DCAA, government and private contractors, mergers and acquisitions, tax strategies and issues, information systems, and additional expertise within the industry. We are actively involved in a wide spectrum of industry activities and participate frequently as speakers at technical meetings and as authors of articles for professional publications. Our professionals are active in industry associations such as the Arizona Council for Engineering Consultants (ACEC).