Keegan Linscott & Associates concentrates on providing a complete range of taxation services to guide you through the maze of income and corporate taxes.
We are skilled in both tax consulting and tax compliance services. Many of our professionals have developed areas of specialization in tax consulting. We offer services for individuals, partnerships, limited liability companies, corporations, trusts, estates and exempt organizations.
Through tax planning and year-round consulting, we are able to assist our clients in minimizing their tax burden and structuring business transactions for their greatest economic benefit.
Tax return preparation and other tax compliance services constitute an essential part of our practice. The returns are subjected to several levels of review by tax specialists, both for completeness and accuracy.
As a firm, we strive to provide our clients with the most up-to-date tax information. Our tax research library includes a wide variety of reference materials including online research tools. We become aware of changes in IRS regulations, tax court rulings and private letter rulings as soon as they are available.